Running Blind - Athelete's Conduct Pledge

As an athlete with a visual impairment who is accepting services from Running Blind, I agree to abide by the following: I understand that a failure to abide by the good natured and mature conduct outlined in these conditions could mean forfeiture of future service support from Running Blind.
Further, I understand that running along city streets is dangerous and can include hazards such as cracks, puddles, potholes, road debris and vehicle traffic, and that running as a visually impaired athlete even with a guide runner is requires special attention on my part to help allow the guide runner to look out for my welfare as well as their own. I will not hold my guide runner, Running Blind, its director, board members, volunteers, donors or supporters liable for any injury or loss of property that occurs as a result of any unforeseen event when a Running Blind guide is providing me with well intended support of my training.