Running Blind - Guide Runner Registration Form

Personal Contact Info: Yellow (or * )  indicates a required field
Birth Date * (mm/dd/yy)
(If you are under 18 or still in High School, please list a parent as one of the phone contacts.)

Are you intending to provide support for a specific person? If so please tell us who that is:  

Describe your ability to provide Guide Running

Briefly describe your background in running or track & field * (no more than two lines please)
minutes per mile

Approximate duration of time you will be available to provide guide runner support: *

Availability schedule - please list all days of the week and times you expect to be available: *

Personal statement:

What is the outcome you hope for from participation in this program? (no more than two lines please)


Are you willing to abide by Running Blind's Guide Runner's Conduct Pledge? *     Yes  


Please check one to help us avoid the robo-entries.